
Supporting co-worker well-being


Franciscan’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is offered to help you identify personal problems and find appropriate resources and services to resolve them. The EAP employs licensed mental health professionals who offer confidential assistance to employees and their families. This benefit is provided at no charge to you and/or your household members and includes 6 counseling sessions per calendar year.


Studies show that failure to perform on the job is more often due to emotional problems than to lack of knowledge or job skills. On average, 12-15% of employees bring personal problems to the workplace affecting their job performance.


Unrecognized and untreated problems impact the organization in the following ways:

  • Productivity
  • Safety
  • Morale
  • Patient/Employee Satisfaction

Substance abuse, depression and family problems are only a sample of the situations costing the employer thousands of dollars annually. EAP addresses a wide variety of problems that include:

  • Marriage/Relationship Difficulties
  • Anxiety
  • Stress Management
  • Depression
  • Family Issues
  • Work/Career Concerns

FREE Confidential Sessions


Are you or a family member feeling stressed; having relationship problems; concerned about substance abuse problems? Call Franciscan Health EAP today to schedule your free, confidential counseling sessions.


EAP Services


The major components of the EAP include: short-term counseling for adults and adolescents over the age of 13, follow up support, resource and professional referral, management consultations to address problem employee behavior, and in-service programs for departments with information on various mental health topics such as Stress Management, Work/Life Balance, Compassion Fatigue and more.


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